Welcome to Rimbey Alliance Church!
church building
4620 54th Avenue
Box 2033
Rimbey, Alberta

Phone: 403-843-3727
Email: info@rimbeyalliancechurch.ca

Church office hours
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon

Sunday morning service and Children's Church held at 10:30AM.

Ladies Bible Study at the church at 10am.

Youth group event at the church at 7pm for teens grade 7 to 12.

Sunday morning service and Children's Church held at 10:30AM.

Ladies Bible Study at the church at 10am.

Join us at the church for worship practice at 6pm and Bible study at 7pm.

Youth group event at the church at 7pm for teens grade 7 to 12.

Sunday morning service and Children's Church held at 10:30AM.

Board of Elders meet at the church at 7pm.

Ladies Bible Study at the church at 10am.

Movie night at the church @ 6:30pm. Join us for fellowship, snacks and a movie!

Youth group event at the church at 7pm for teens grade 7 to 12.

Sunday morning service and Children's Church held at 10:30AM.

Ladies Bible Study at the church at 10am.

Join us at the church for worship practice at 6pm and Bible study at 7pm.

Youth group event at the church at 7pm for teens grade 7 to 12.


  • 10:30 am Worship Service & Children's Church


  • Ladies Bible Study at the church every Tuesday morning at 10am.
  • Join us at the church for Wednesday evening worship practice at 6pm and Bible Study at 7pm.
  • Friday evening youth group from 7pm to 9pm for youth grades 7-12.


  • Children's Ministry
  • Bible Study
  • Compassionate Care
  • Prayer Ministry
  • Global Missions
  • Worship Team
  • Fellowship & Socials